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Unveiling the True Vision of Robots: Beyond Steel, Embracing Chemistry

Czech playwright Karel Čapek invented the word "robot" in 1921, but was unhappy with its evolution to denote mechanical entities. In a newly translated article, Čapek expresses frustration with how his original vision for robots was being subverted, arguing that they should be based on science, not technology.

Unveiling Hidden Patterns: Implementing Spectral Clustering from Scratch in Python

Spectral clustering, a complex form of machine learning, transforms data into a reduced-dimension form and applies k-means clustering. Implementing spectral clustering from scratch in Python was a challenge, but the results were identical to the scikit-learn module, with the most difficult part being computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the normalized Laplacian matrix.

Unifying Perception, Planning, and Control: The Future of Autonomous Robotics

The article explores the use of lightweight hierarchical vision transformers in autonomous robotics, highlighting the effectiveness of a shared trunk concept for multi-task learning. It also discusses the emergence of large multimodal models and their potential to create a unified architecture for end-to-end autonomous driving solutions.

Unlocking PySpark's Machine Learning Potential

Spark ML is an open-source library for high-performance data storage and classical machine learning algorithms. The article demonstrates a PySpark demo predicting political leanings using a synthetic dataset, highlighting the use of Spark data and the installation process.