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Enhancing AI's Peripheral Vision

MIT researchers developed a dataset to simulate peripheral vision in AI models, improving object detection. Understanding peripheral vision in machines could enhance driver safety and predict human behavior, bridging the gap between AI and human vision.

Exploring 3D Grid Neighborhoods

Discover how 2D grid-based algorithms can be applied in the 3D world for navigation and visibility in video games, robotics, and architectural design. Explore the five 3D grid neighborhoods for solving AI problems like pathfinding and visibility challenges.

AI: Fueling Energy Use & Climate Misinformation

Environmental groups warn AI won't solve climate crisis, may worsen energy use & spread disinformation. Big tech touts AI for tracking deforestation, pollution, extreme weather, but concerns raised about potential negative impact.

Microsoft Engineer Warns of AI Image Generator Safety Issues

Microsoft AI engineer Shane Jones warns management about lack of safeguards for AI image generator, highlighting potential for harmful and offensive content. Despite repeated attempts, no action was taken, prompting Jones to escalate concerns to FTC and Microsoft's board of directors.