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Cracking the Code: Machine Learning and Advanced Alloys

MIT graduate students Sheriff and Cao are using machine learning to decode short-range order in metallic alloys, crucial for developing high-entropy materials with superior properties. Their work offers a new approach to tailor material properties in industries like aerospace and...

Revolutionizing Material Predictions with AI

Researchers from MIT developed a new machine-learning framework to predict phonon dispersion relations 1,000 times faster than other AI-based techniques, aiding in designing more efficient power generation systems and microelectronics. This breakthrough could potentially be 1 million times faster than traditional non-AI approaches, addressing the challenge of managing heat for increased...

Revolutionizing Drug Discovery

AI is transforming drug discovery by helping scientists find cost-efficient molecules with desired properties. MIT's SPARROW algorithm streamlines synthesis planning, optimizing costs and experimental steps for new medicines, agrichemicals, and specialized...

Revolutionary Mouth Touchpad for Paralysis Interaction

Tomás Vega SM ’19 overcame stuttering to create Augmental, a startup developing technology like the MouthPad for people with movement impairments. The MouthPad allows users to control devices using tongue and head movements, improving independence and...

Terahertz ID Tag: Tiny, Tamper-Proof Authentication

MIT researchers develop antitampering ID tag using terahertz waves, offering tiny, cheap, and secure authentication for products. Metal particles in glue create unique fingerprint pattern, machine-learning model detects tampering with 99...