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Revolutionizing Mining Equipment Monitoring with AWS Prototyping and Computer Vision

ICL, a multinational manufacturing and mining corporation, developed in-house capabilities using machine learning and computer vision to automatically monitor their mining equipment. With support from the AWS Prototyping program, they were able to build a framework on AWS using Amazon SageMaker to extract vision from 30 cameras, with the potential to scale to thousands.

Building Your Own AI Gym: Dive into Deep Q-Learning

Dive into the world of artificial intelligence — build a deep reinforcement learning gym from scratch. Gain hands-on experience and develop your own gym to train an agent to solve a simple problem, setting the foundation for more complex environments and systems.

The Intelligence Debate: Unveiling the Truth Behind ChatGPT

OpenAI's ChatGPT, a groundbreaking AI language model, sparked excitement with its impressive abilities, including excelling in exams and playing chess. However, skeptics argue that true intelligence should not be confused with memorization, leading to scientific studies exploring the distinction and making the case against AGI.

Unleashing the Power of Classical Computation in Neural Networks

This article explores the importance of classical computation in the context of artificial intelligence, highlighting its provable correctness, strong generalization, and interpretability compared to the limitations of deep neural networks. It argues that developing AI systems with these classical computation skills is crucial for building generally-intelligent agents.

Preventing AI Hallucination: Harnessing Pinecone Vector Database & Llama-2 for Retrieval Augmented Generation

LLMs like Llama 2, Flan T5, and Bloom are essential for conversational AI use cases, but updating their knowledge requires retraining, which is time-consuming and expensive. However, with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) using Amazon Sagemaker JumpStart and Pinecone vector database, LLMs can be deployed and kept up to date with relevant information to prevent AI Hallucination.

Dropbox's Controversial AI Feature Raises Privacy Concerns

Dropbox faces backlash after enabling a default setting that shares user data with OpenAI for AI-powered search, but assures data is only shared when actively used and is deleted within 30 days. CEO Drew Houston apologizes for customer confusion and emphasizes that no customer data is automatically sent to third-party AI services.

Revolutionizing Last-Mile Delivery: Streamlining Workforce Management with Amazon Forecast and AWS Step Functions

Getir, the ultrafast grocery delivery pioneer, has implemented an end-to-end workforce management system using Amazon Forecast and AWS Step Functions, resulting in a 70% reduction in modelling time and a 90% improvement in prediction accuracy. This comprehensive project calculates courier requirements and solves the shift assignment problem, optimizing shift schedules and minimizing missed orders.