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Unlocking Matrix Magic: QR Decomposition in C#

The article in Microsoft Visual Studio Magazine discusses the implementation of matrix inverse using the Householder version of the QR algorithm in C#. The demo includes a small matrix example and verifies the result by computing the inverse multiplied by the original matrix.

Unlocking the Complexity: Four Algorithms for Matrix Inverse in C#

The article discusses the challenges of implementing matrix inversion code and presents a demo of four different C# functions using various algorithms. The author emphasizes the complexity and flexibility of the LUP, QR, and SVD algorithms, as well as the specific use case of the Cholesky algorithm.

Balancing Exploration and Exploitation: A Dashboard Strategy for Analytics Managers

Developers of open world video games and analytics managers both face the challenge of balancing exploration and exploitation. To solve this tension, they can build alternative paths, offer knowledge management systems, foster online communities, and make continuous improvements. Salespeople, like gamers, have main quests in the form of specific metrics they need to track, so creating simple an...

Revolutionizing Sustainable Innovation: Atacama Biomaterials' Journey

Atacama Biomaterials, a startup combining architecture, machine learning, and chemical engineering, develops eco-friendly materials with multiple applications. Their technology allows for the creation of data and material libraries using AI and ML, producing regionally sourced, compostable plastics and packaging.