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Living Human Skin Cells Create Smiling Robot

Researchers from University of Tokyo and Harvard create lifelike robotic skin with human cells, capable of conveying emotions. The study explores benefits of using living tissue for robot covering, emphasizing potential for self-repair.

Guardrails for Responsible AI

Large language models (LLMs) enable human-like conversations but can also spread misinformation and harmful content. Guardrails are crucial for mitigating risks in LLM applications, ensuring safe and desirable outputs.

Revolutionizing AI: Matrix-Free LLMs

Researchers from UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, LuxiTech, and Soochow University have developed an AI language model without matrix multiplication, potentially reducing environmental impact and operational costs of AI systems. Nvidia's dominance in data center GPUs, used in AI systems like ChatGPT and Google Gemini, may be challenged by this new approach using custom-programmed FPGA chips.

Unlocking the Future of Chip Designs with 3D Visualization

Ansys utilizes NVIDIA technology to tackle complex challenges in 3D-IC design at the Design Automation Conference. Using NVIDIA Omniverse and Modulus, Ansys engineers can optimize chip performance and reliability with AI-based surrogate models for faster simulations.

The Bright Side of AI: Claude 3.5 Optimistic About Its Future

Anthropic's latest AI model, Claude LLM, outperforms competitors like OpenAI in coding and text-based reasoning, with improved nuance and humor understanding. External experts have evaluated the safety mechanisms in Claude 3.5 Sonnet, highlighting a commitment to safety and transparency in AI development.

Enhancing LLMs for Self-Driving with LangProp

ChatGPT powers autonomous driving research at Wayve using LangProp framework for code optimization without fine-tuning neural networks. LangProp presented at ICLR workshop showcases LLM's potential to enhance driving through code generation and improvement.

Accelerating Generative AI with Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

Krikey AI leverages Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth to efficiently label vast amounts of data for their innovative 3D animation platform, democratizing AI animation creation. This partnership enables Krikey AI to quickly obtain high-quality labels tailored to their needs, accelerating the development of their text-to-animation model.

Maximizing Sales Metrics

Sales performance is often measured incorrectly, leading to inaccurate assessments. Quality of leads is a crucial factor in evaluating sales agents' performance accurately.

Geologists wary of Chinese chatbot bias

Chinese-funded GeoGPT chatbot raises concerns among geologists for potential censorship and bias, developed with IUGS support. Aimed at global south researchers, it leverages vast data to enhance understanding of earth sciences.

Mastering Exact Match with Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex QnAIntent, powered by Amazon Bedrock, enables real-time conversational experiences with natural language understanding. Exact match capabilities with Amazon Kendra and OpenSearch Service cater to enterprise customers' regulatory needs.